Friday, 30 June 2023

How to Make and Flavor Kombucha at Home

Sharing tips on how to make and flavor your kombucha at home!

Hi friends! Hope you’re having a lovely morning! This week is a bit bonkers and we’re enjoying time with some friends who are here from Florida! I’ll be back on Friday with some faves, but in the meantime, here’s a post from the archives. If you’re curious about brewing kombucha at home, here’s the full how-to!


After about a year (maybe a little longer?) of inconsistently making kombucha at home, I finally made some that tastes even better than store-bought stuff.

How To Make And Flavor Kombucha At Home

How To Make And Flavor Kombucha At Home

Tips on How to Make Kombucha at Home

-I followed the steps in this post but will outline them again, updated with the current techniques.

1) The quality of the SCOBY (the starter bacteria that looks like a flat, opaque gummy disk) makes all the difference in the world. I got an awesome SCOBY from Amazon, but I’ve also ordered a dud that ended up molding. (A little tidbit about mold: a lot of people are rightfully fearful about making moldy or bad kombucha. If the batch is bad, it’s an obvious thing. You will know it’s bad just by looking at it. The SCOBY will have blue or greenish patches on it, and well, it will look like mold. Don’t drink it; throw it away to start over.) The SCOBY I picked up from the farmer’s market in Ocean Beach is a BEAST.

(I got a bottle from the farmer’s market, filled with SCOBY strands and starter tea. To say I was skeptical would be an understatement. Shame on me.)

I’ve made multiple batches with said amazing SCOBY and also gave one to Whitney; she now has a full-up SCOBY hotel.

I like ‘em thick.

Scoby handling guidelines: always make sure your hands, tools, container, and anything that comes in contact with the SCOBY, are fully sanitized. Do not touch the SCOBY (or stir your kombucha) with anything metal; it can destroy it. Use wood or plastic tools instead.The Kombucha Fermentation Process

The Kombucha Fermentation Process

2) After you have your SCOBY, make your starter tea (black and green tea with NO added essential oils work well). I like Newman’s Own organic black tea. 8-10 cups of water to 8-10 bags of tea (equal water: tea ratio). After the water comes up to a boil, I add the tea bags, remove from the heat and stir in one cup of organic sugar. Let the tea cool completely to room temperature before straining it and pouring it into your kombucha jar (this is a perfect one).

3) Next, you’ll add about 2 cups of starter liquid (or whatever came with your SCOBY), and gently place the SCOBY on top. If the SCOBY and tea are at the same temperature, they will float beautifully to the top. If it sinks to the bottom, NBD. Just let it swim around and a new SCOBY will grow on top.

4) Cover it with cheesecloth or a paper towel (covered to protect, but with something that will enable it to breathe) and secure it with an elastic band before placing it in a dark cabinet to ferment. Avoid looking at it while it’s fermenting (the kombucha is brewing!), and start checking the taste of the mixture in about a week. This is where you’ll decide how tangy or sweet you like it.

Dip a clean plastic spoon into the ‘buch and give it a taste. If it’s to your liking, you’re ready for a second ferment! If it’s too sweet, give it a couple more days to become more tangy/acidic. Or if it’s too tangy, move on to the next step (flavoring and second fermentation) and add some extra fruit juice.

The duration of your kombucha fermentation will vary based on your climate and taste preferences. In hot Tucson, it was ready in about a week. In cooler weather, it could take up to two weeks. Be patient, young grasshopper.Kombucha Brewing

Kombucha Brewing

5) So, you’re ready for your second fermentation, and the fun part is you get to add flavorings to your kombucha! Get another jar or two (that has a flip lid, like these), or some airtight bottles like mason jars for the second round of fermentation + flavoring the mixture.

Here are some flavor ideas:

  • Fruit juice (apple, berry, orange)
  • Berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries); I’d recommend using fresh vs. frozen fruit
  • Herbs (lavender, dried ginger, mint)
  • Fresh ginger for that zing!
  • Strawberry basil is also a favorite combo of mine. Have fun experimenting!

To each jar or bottle, add some juice, herbs (if you’d like) and (this is KEY) some dried fruit (like dried cranberries or raisins). The sugar in the dried fruit will continue to feed the bacteria, and will also make the kombucha fizzy. Another thing that helps will fizz factor: dried ginger. This stuff is particularly awesome; a little (like a hefty pinch for each Mason jar) goes a long way. Pour the kombucha into each jar or bottle, but be sure to leave at least 2 cups of kombucha in the original jar to use as your “starter tea” for the next batch.

6) Seal the flavored kombucha and place it back in the pantry (in a dark, temperate spot) for 2-3 days. 

7) Next, you’ll transfer the jars/bottles from the pantry to the fridge to chill and enjoy! (if you used any “whole” fruits, herbs, or berries, strain the mixture before sealing again to place in the fridge.

Alternate Recipe: Homemade Orange Cranberry Ginger Kombucha

It was getting close, and I was happy with the fruit flavor combos I’d tried, but it was always a little too tangy, too sweet, not fizzy enough, etc.

After quite a bit of experimentation, I got the result I’d been searching for for my finished kombucha; it was a glorious moment indeed. A warm embrace was shared with the kombucha jar before holding the SCOBY in the air like a baby Simba while singing a celebratory chant.

(Ok, just in my mind.)How to Make and Flavor Kombucha at Home

How Much Alcohol Is in Kombucha?

Ah, the delightful world of kombucha! Did you know that this fizzy fermented beverage has been around for centuries? Quite impressive, right? Now, let’s get down to the fun part – the alcohol content.

You’ll be happy to know that most commercial kombucha brands contain small amounts of alcohol, usually below 0.5%. Ah, just a smidge! This is because, during the fermentation process, the friendly bacteria and yeast buddies work their magic and convert some of the natural sugars into alcohol. Don’t fret, though! It’s only a trace amount and won’t leave you feeling tipsy. So enjoy your kombucha without worrying about a surprise visit from the booze brigade!

What is the Best Time to Drink Kombucha?

Can you imagine delighting in its effervescent pick-me-up during the daytime to steer clear of caffeine-induced sleep disruptions?

With kombucha, there’s a world of flavor-infused possibilities to explore. 

After you gently burp the bottles to release carbonation and prevent fizzy fountain mishaps, turn your trusty gallon jar into a playground of kombucha creativity by adding fresh or dried lemon and ginger for that zesty kick. And don’t forget the heart and soul of any kombucha recipe – the sweet tea that kickstarts fermentation, sweetened further with fresh fruit chunks for an explosion of delightful flavors. So, my friend, raise your glass and embrace the freedom to sip kombucha at any time that brings you joy, flavor, and a refreshingly healthy gut. Cheers to your kombucha happiness!

How to Make and Flavor Kombucha at Home

Make and flavor kombucha at home! Way less expensive than buying it, and you can customize your flavors. It’s not as scary as it looks.

Don’t let your kombucha dreams stay dreams – start brewing today and unleash your flavor potential!

So what do you do with the old bottle of kombucha (which now has the old “Mother” SCOBY in it + the new layer of “baby” SCOBY growing on top)? You separate the baby from the mother (yes, this involves touching it with your hands and cringing as you peel the slimy layers apart). The baby SCOBY can now venture on its own into the world to make its kombucha (so you can have two batches growing at once). Or even better: put it in a baggie with some starter tea and gift it to a friend! The gift that keeps on giving haha.

A little tip: I only use one SCOBY for a max of two batches of kombucha, and then will switch over to the baby SCOBY. They become weaker with each batch, so it’s good to switch to a new SCOBY after a couple of rounds.

Hope this helped those of you who were considering making your kombucha!

Kombucha: yay or nay? Have you ever made kombucha at home? If so, what are your favorite flavors? Is anything unique that you like to make or ferment? I would love to experiment with homemade ghee or goat cheese!




The post How to Make and Flavor Kombucha at Home appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Friday Faves 6.30

Hi friends! Happy Friday! I hope you’re having a wonderful morning. I’m off to the eye doctor today and am crossing my fingers to get the all clear to start wearing contacts again. It’s been a bit hard to function in glasses for the past five weeks so I’m really, really hoping I’ll be able to wear my contacts, even just for a few hours each day.

We are back in Tucson after 12 days in Europe and it.was.magical. I’ll be posting a full recap of our trip, so stay tuned for all of the details! I’ll prob split it into two posts: Rome and the 7-night Italy and Greece Disney cruise. If you have any questions I can answer or include in my post(s), please let me know.

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my favorite finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section.



(I’ll dream about this tuna pizza foreverrrrrr. So salty and savoy and amazing)

Our trip! I have a lot to say about it, but it was such a gift to spend so much time together as a family, without the distractions of life, work, and chores. I pre-wrote eight beefy blog posts to auto-publish while I was gone, and it was amazing to be truly present and not have to focus on content creation. The Pilot also got to take a break from work, and we could just enjoy time together in some breathtakingly beautiful places! It was definitely the trip of a lifetime.

Fashion + beauty:

This athletic dress! I had to see what the hype was about, and it LIVES UP to it. The fabric is a dream, it has a built-in bra with soft, removable cups, and shorts, you know, if you actually want to be athletic in it. I wore my dress while lounging in Rome, eating chocolate croissants, and it served that purpose equally well. 😉 I’m ordering two more colors!

Sharing some more love for Vivobarefoots. I wore my white low-top ones this entire trip and they felt awesome. My referral link gets you 15% off. 

A similar version of my fave visor. 

Read, watch, listen:

Anyone else that can’t wait for the Barbie movie? It looks so fun and clever; like the perfect summer movie.

Just finished this book. It was sweet and intriguing. Not my fave of the summer – that goes to this one!! – but still a light and enjoyable read.

Fun movie ideas.

Fitness, health + good eats:

Thinking of attempting this gnocchi even though we all know it won’t be the same lol.

A total body barre workout.

More clues on how exercise can decrease inflammation. 

Making this chocolate pie for our 4th of July bbq.

Today is the last day to use my code FITNESSISTA10 for 10% off at EquiLife. You can use this for the detox – we start as a community on July 10 – or any supplements you’ve been needing. It’s free shipping storewide right now, too!

Happy Friday, friends!



PS congrats to the winner of the sneaky Organifi giveaway, Laura! I’ll be reaching out to order your prize for you 🙂

The post Friday Faves 6.30 appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Thursday, 29 June 2023

How to train for a half marathon

Sharing tips on how to train for a half marathon, including fuel tips, training strategies, recovery, and more!

Hi friends! How’s the day treating ya? I hope you’re having a great one.

For today’s post, let’s lace up our running shoes, shall we?

It’s been quite a while since I’ve done a half marathon (one of my Ironman friends keeps telling me I need to do another one), I still help clients and friends train for endurance events. I love creating training plans and sharing tips, so I figured we’d chat about half marathons and training strategies.

So, what exactly is a half marathon?

Well, it’s a long-distance race that covers a distance of 13.1 miles or 21.1 kilometers. It’s a challenging yet achievable goal for many runners, offering a stepping stone between shorter races like 5Ks and the ultimate endurance test of a full marathon.What sets a half marathon apart from a full marathon is the distance. While a full marathon covers 26.2 miles, a half marathon is a more manageable undertaking, making it a popular choice for runners of varying abilities and experience levels. It’s an ideal challenge for those looking to push their limits and experience the thrill of a longer race without the intensity and extensive training required for a full marathon.

Before taking on a half marathon, there are several things to consider and prepare for. It’s essential to assess your current fitness level, set realistic goals, invest in proper running gear, and pay attention to nutrition and hydration.

Additionally, understanding the course, pacing strategies, and recovery techniques will contribute to your overall success and enjoyment of the race.Training for a half marathon not only helps you physically but also provides mental and emotional benefits. The discipline and commitment required to follow a training plan can boost your mental strength and resilience, transferring into other areas of your life.

Today, I’ll be sharing a comprehensive guide on how to train for a half marathon, covering topics like creating a training plan, incorporating cross-training and strength exercises, managing your nutrition and hydration, and tips for race day success. My aim is to provide you with the tools, guidance, and motivation to make the most out of your half marathon journey and achieve your PRs (personal records!).

How to train for a half marathon

Step 1

Create a training plan or follow a training schedule. It’s important to build your endurance gradually, improving your cardiovascular fitness, and strengthening your muscles. A well-designed training plan will help you develop the necessary physical and mental strength, allowing you to conquer the distance with confidence.

Step 2

Emphasize resistance training. Resistance training will help to support all of the muscles in your legs, and can help to prevent muscle imbalances and overuse injuries. Resistance training can also make you a stronger, faster runner, and improve your endurance. If you’re training for anything (or training for LIFE), don’t skip out on resistance work.

Step 3

Recover wisely. Make sure to have at least 1-2 full days of rest each week. This is your body’s chance to recover and repair from your hard work. It can be hard to take days off, especially if you’re enjoying training, but I promise you that this is where the magic happens. Use these days for extra stretching or mobility work, or something restorative, like a sauna session, bath, or long nap.

Step 4

Prepare hydration and nutrition. This takes a little bit of trial and error, especially when you’re trying to figure out race day fueling strategies. Make sure that you’re consuming enough water, electrolytes (especially for workouts longer than an hour), and fueling your body with healthy carbs, protein, fat, and fiber. Experiment with carbs during longer runs, too. You may find that you like a gel or a few gummies when you first start, and then every 30-45 minutes. The key is to get yourself some carbs and a little boost BEFORE you hit a wall.

Step 5

Make an awesome playlist. This can make such a huge difference with motivation! Prep a playlist with the songs you love to hear, and add them in the order you need to hear them. For example, I put more motivational songs at the front of my playlist and really amp it up towards the end. I always make my favorite song the one I’ll hear around mile 10, when I usually hit a little slump.

Best Workouts for Half Marathon

Glute work (especially glute medius)

To improve your glute strength as a runner, incorporate exercises that target the glute muscles into your training routine. Movements like squats, lunges, hip thrusts, and glute bridges are all fantastic choices. Additionally, incorporating resistance bands, kettlebells, or bodyweight exercises can further challenge your glutes and promote strength development.

Quad strengtheners

These muscles are responsible for extending your knee and propelling you forward with each stride. When your quads are strong, they help generate power and provide stability during the push-off phase, resulting in a more powerful stride and increased speed.

Hip flexor stretches

Our hip flexors can get tight from constant flexion at the hip as we run, so make sure to incorporate hip flexor stretches.

Lateral movements

Lateral movements engage the muscles responsible for stabilizing your hips, knees, and ankles in side-to-side motions. By incorporating exercises such as lateral lunges, lateral bounds, or lateral shuffles, you can improve your stability and balance. This translates to better control and coordination during your runs, especially when navigating uneven surfaces or changing directions quickly.

Injury Prevention: Running predominantly involves forward movement, which can lead to muscle imbalances and neglect of certain muscle groups. Lateral movements work different muscle fibers and activate muscles that may not be fully engaged during traditional running. Strengthening the muscles in your hips, glutes, and inner and outer thighs through lateral movements can help correct imbalances, reduce the risk of common running injuries like iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS), and improve overall biomechanics.

Improved Agility and Quickness: Lateral movements require quick changes in direction and footwork. By incorporating lateral exercises into your training, you can enhance your agility and reaction time. This can be particularly beneficial for trail runners or those participating in sports that involve frequent changes in direction, such as soccer or basketball

Increased Hip Mobility: Lateral movements often involve a greater range of motion in the hips compared to linear running. Regularly performing lateral exercises can help improve hip mobility and flexibility, which can translate to a smoother and more efficient running gait.

Core Engagement: Lateral movements engage your core muscles, including the obliques and deep abdominal muscles, as they help stabilize your torso during side-to-side movements. A strong core is essential for maintaining proper running posture and transferring power from your lower body to your upper body.

To incorporate lateral movements into your training, consider adding exercises such as lateral lunges, side shuffles, lateral bounds, or lateral leg lifts. You can perform these exercises as part of your warm-up, cool-down, or dedicated strength training sessions.

Functional core work

As you increase your mileage or aim for longer distance races, maintaining core stability becomes even more critical. A strong core helps delay fatigue by supporting your body’s posture and reducing the impact of repetitive motion on other muscles. By improving your core endurance, you can maintain good form and prevent energy wastage, enabling you to sustain your pace during long runs or races.

To incorporate functional core work into your training, focus on exercises that mimic the demands of running and engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Planks, side planks, Russian twists, mountain climbers, and bird dogs are excellent examples.

Half Marathon Training Schedule

I have a full sample training plan here from my post How to train for a half marathon while strength training. It includes a balanced mix of strength, running (with progressive mileage), and rest. As always, talk with a doctor before making any fitness changes and honor your body; modify as needed.

Crossing that finish line after months of preparation can be an incredibly empowering and fulfilling experience, fueling your self-confidence and sense of achievement. If you’re currently training for a half marathon, I’m cheering for you and sending lots of wishes for an awesome race!



The post How to train for a half marathon appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Wednesday, 28 June 2023

Organifi Product Review

Sharing the details on Organifi and my favorite products! Because I love the brand so much, I partner with them as an affiliate. It gives you a discount and gives me a small kickback if you decide to place an order! You can use FITNESSISTA here for 20% off. 

Hi friends! How are you? I hope you’re enjoying the morning! One of my favorite morning rituals is to drink a glass of Organifi Green juice or AG1 and then head into the day.

For today’s blog post, I wanted to share more about Organifi and the products I love from their line. I’ve been using Organifi for years, but I know that it can be a little intimidating to sort through everything and decide which one to try first. I found out about Organifi from Shawn at the Model Health Show (my #1 all-time favorite podcast) and was 100% influenced. If he was using it, I wanted to try it. I used his discount code and never looked back! I started with the classic green juice and have evolved into red juice, Harmony, protein powders, and their immune support. I’ve also tried a couple of their supplements.

Organifi is dedicated to using organic and natural ingredients sourced from around the world, and prioritize transparency, ensuring that each product is free from artificial additives, fillers, and GMOs. Additionally, Organifi takes sustainability seriously, using eco-friendly packaging and supporting fair-trade practices. Beyond their exceptional products, Organifi fosters a vibrant community, offering education, inspiration, and support on their website and social media platforms.

Organifi Product Review

Since I’ve tried their products, I’ve noticed a few different benefits: from less eventful cycles, to higher energy, and immune support while traveling. I’m going to break down all of my favorites in this blog post, including prices and how they compare to some similar brands on the market.

Organifi Green Juice

Organifi Green Juice is a powerhouse blend of organic superfoods like wheatgrass, spirulina, and chlorella. With its refreshing taste and convenient single-serve packets, it’s a fantastic option for those seeking an on-the-go boost of greens.

I alternate between taking Organifi Green Juice and AG, which has a comprehensive blend of over 75 vitamins, minerals, and whole food-sourced ingredients. It also includes probiotics, enzymes, and antioxidants to support overall health and wellness.

While both products offer impressive nutrient profiles, Organifi Green Juice stands out for its affordability and simplicity, while AG1 provides a more comprehensive and all-encompassing approach to nutrition. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and individual needs. You can read my blog post comparing Organifi Green Juice and AG1 here. I will say that Organifi tastes way better; like a slight lemon-y green juice, while AG1 tastes more vitamin-y.

Organifi Red Juice

Organifi Red is crafted with a blend of premium ingredients such as beets, acai berries, cordyceps mushrooms, and rhodiola. These carefully selected ingredients work synergistically and can provide a range of benefits. The beets deliver natural nitrates, supporting healthy blood flow and cardiovascular function. Acai berries bring their antioxidant power to the mix, protecting against oxidative stress and supporting overall well-being. Cordyceps mushrooms are known for their adaptogenic properties, which can help to reduce stress and enhance energy levels. Rhodiola, another adaptogen, supports mental clarity and focus. Together, these ingredients create a harmonious blend that can help support energy levels, promote detoxification, and boost overall vitality.

It tastes like a fruity punch and is super refreshing.

How to drink: I like it blended with room-temperature filtered water.

Organifi Harmony

Organifi Harmony is made with carefully selected ingredients like maca, chasteberry, and shatavari, and offers a natural approach to nurturing hormonal health. Maca, can help the body adapt to stress and promote a sense of balance. Chasteberry, also known as vitex, has been traditionally used to support menstrual health and alleviate PMS symptoms. Shatavari, an herb commonly used in Ayurveda, can aid in hormone regulation and supports reproductive health.

I love the chocolate flavor of the Harmony and recommend this one the most to friends!

How to drink: I like it in warm almond milk (like a hot cocoa) or a scoop in my smoothie or oatmeal. It gives an awesome chocolate flavor.

Organifi Immunity

Organifi Immunity is a powerful blend of immune-boosting ingredients to help support your body’s natural defense system. Packed with key nutrients such as elderberry, turmeric, and ginger, this potent formula offers a holistic approach to fortifying your immune health. Elderberry is known for its antiviral properties and can help reduce the duration and severity of cold and flu symptoms. Turmeric is a potent anti-inflammatory spice that can support immune function and overall wellness. Ginger, with its immune-enhancing and antioxidant properties, aids in digestion and can provide relief from respiratory issues.

It has a lovely orange-y flavor and tastes delicious.

How to drink: I mix it with filtered water and talk it like a shot.

Is Organifi Good For You?

I would say that if you’re looking for an extra nutrient boost and some extra adaptogens in your life, it can be an amazing choice. As always, talk to your health care provider before adding any new supplements into the rotation.

FAQs About Organifi:

Does Organifi green juice have caffeine?

Organifi green juice includes match and has trace amounts of caffeine. It doesn’t make me feel wired when I drink it. It has around 3-4mg of caffeine, while a cup of decaf coffee has around 7mg.

Does organifi green juice help you lose weight?

I don’t see it as a weight loss tool, as that will be dependent on SO many different factors. However, I think a glass of green juice in the morning can encourage you to make healthier choices throughout the day, as it can help set the tone for the entire day.

does organifi need to be refrigerated?

You can keep the products in the refrigerator, but it’s not required for freshness.

is organifi a meal replacement?

Their protein powder includes vitamins, minerals, and enzymes, but I don’t think it’s enough to sustain for an entire meal. For a meal-sized smoothie (with some fruit, veggies, and healthy fas), it would absolutely work (and tastes delicious).

is organifi FDA approved?

From their website: “All organifi blends are produced in a GMP certified facility — which means that the facility is an FDA approved facility — and each batch must pass microbial testing before any product is allowed to be released into the marketplace.”

Is Organifi safe for pregnancy?

I would definitely check with your doctor or midwife to be sure.

So, tell me, friends: have you tried Organifi? If so, what’s your favorite product? if place an order, you can stack FITNESSISTA for an extra discount on top of current promos.

I’ll pick a lucky commenter from today’s post to receive a product of their choice 🙂



The post Organifi Product Review appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Tuesday, 27 June 2023

HIIT vs. steady state cardio for weight loss

Comparing HIIT and steady state cardio if weight loss is your goal.

Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having a lovely morning so far! We’re still on a little trip – sharing lots of details on IG stories! – but I had some posts ready to go while I’m gone. Today, I wanted to talk about two extremely popular cardio strategies and how they compare, especially if weight loss if your goal.

For years, cardio has been a go-to solution for cardiovascular health, weight management, performance and endurance training. HIIT has also surged in popularity in the past decade and is here to stay. Sometimes there’s confusion about which type of cardio you should choose in your routine, so today, I’m breaking it all down in this post!

HIIT vs. steady state cardio for weight loss

HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT is like a fiery explosion of energy that revs up your metabolism and torches calories long after your workout is over. By alternating intense bursts of exercise with short recovery periods, you push your body to its limits and experience the often-touted “afterburn effect.” HIIT can increase the size and density of mitochondria, which are like the fat-burning little powerhouses in our cells.

To get the body back to homeostasis, it has to bring all pre-exercise factors back to baseline, including decreasing tissue temperature and heart rate. Your body continues to burn calories at an accelerated rate for hours post-workout.

Benefits of HIIT:

Time efficient: HIIT workouts are quick and SWEATY, which makes them ideal for busy individuals. It offers a tremendous calorie burn and fat loss potential due to its intense nature and the post-workout EPOC (oxygen consumption post exercises).

Cardiovascular benefits:  HIIT also helps improve cardiovascular fitness by challenging your heart and lungs, resulting in enhanced endurance and stamina.

Performance benefits of HIIT: HIIT can also improve fitness performance, including power and strength.

Another advantage is its muscle-preserving quality, as HIIT workouts can stimulate muscle growth while targeting fat stores. Plus, HIIT can be customized to any fitness level, with modifications and variations available for beginners to advanced athletes. Incorporating HIIT into your fitness routine can rev up your metabolism, boost your mood through endorphin release, and provide a fun and challenging workout experience that keeps you motivated and engaged.

Benefits of low to moderate steady state cardio

While High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) gets a lot of attention, let’s not overlook the fantastic benefits of low to moderate steady state cardio. Engaging in steady state cardio, such as jogging, cycling, dancing, or swimming, brings several advantages to your fitness journey.

Cardiovascular health: it helps improve cardiovascular health by strengthening your heart and increasing your lung capacity. This type of cardio promotes endurance and stamina, making everyday activities easier and more enjoyable.

Calorie burn: Steady state cardio also aids in weight management by burning calories and facilitating fat loss.

Stress relief and mood good: It can be a great stress reliever, providing a calming and meditative experience that allows you to clear your mind and recharge.

Additionally, low to moderate cardio is often accessible to people of various fitness levels and ages, making it a suitable option for beginners or those recovering from injuries. Incorporating regular sessions of low to moderate steady state cardio into your fitness routine can contribute to a healthier heart, improved endurance, and an overall sense of well-being.

Comparing HIIT and steady state:

When it comes to weight loss, both High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) and steady state cardio have their unique advantages. HIIT is known for its efficiency in burning calories and promoting fat loss due to its intense nature and the metabolic boost it provides. The short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery periods create an “afterburn effect,” where your body continues to burn calories at an elevated rate even after you’ve finished your workout.

On the other hand, steady state cardio, such as jogging or cycling at a moderate intensity, is effective in burning calories during the exercise session itself. It helps create a calorie deficit, which is key for weight loss. Steady state cardio also improves cardiovascular health and endurance, making it a great option for longer duration workouts that provide mental clarity and stress relief. Both HIIT and steady state cardio can be beneficial for weight loss, so the choice ultimately depends on individual preferences, time availability, and fitness goals. Incorporating a combination of both can offer variety, prevent workout plateaus, and maximize the benefits of both training methods.

So, which one should you choose if weight loss is your goal?

The answer is… it depends.

I would take into account your fitness goals, preferences, current fitness level, hormonal health, energy level, foundations (sleep quality, stress, etc.), and lifestyle.

If you’re short on time and looking to maximize calorie burn and fat loss, HIIT can be a good bet. However, for many women, who are already stressed to the max and burned out, it can be the wrong choice. I often see HIIT over-utilized, which can contribute to stress, burnout, adrenal issues, cycle disruption, fatigue, and injury. If your stress bucket is full (either from emotional stress, toxins, medications, lack of sleep, poor nutrition, etc.), I would absolutely recommend strength training and low-intensity steady state in these situations.

Since we’re talking about weight loss in today’s post, it’s worth mentioning that you need to be a deficit for weight loss, so nutrition will play a major role. Also, if the body is in the sympathetic state (stressed, not fueled properly, not sleeping well, etc.), it will fight losing weight or fat. Relationships, toxins, sleep, stress, water quality, etc. can all play a part in achieving weight loss and health goals.

If you enjoy longer workouts and find solace in steady state cardio, go ahead and lace up those running shoes or hop on that bike. There are tremendous benefits to steady state, especially Zone 2 training, which is getting a lot of hype right now. (Let me know if you want me to do a post on Zone 2!)

Here’s a pro tip: You can also combine both approaches for optimal results. Incorporate HIIT workouts one to three times a week and sprinkle in steady state cardio sessions for variety and overall cardiovascular health. The key is to listen to your body, find what works for you, and have fun along the way.

Remember, consistency and progression are key. Whatever cardio method you choose, make sure to gradually increase the intensity, challenge yourself, and maintain a balanced approach that complements your overall fitness routine and keeps you feeling amazing!

So, friends: which do you prefer? Do you like HIIT or steady state workouts more?

If you’re looking for new workouts to do in your routine, plus meal guides, recipes, and fitness guidelines from a pro (meeee), join us for Fit Team here!


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from The Fitnessista

Monday, 26 June 2023

My experience with the EquiLife Para Support Protocol so far

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for entertainment and educational purposes only and is not intended replace medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting any new health protocol or supplementation. Please remember that I’m not a doctor and am simply sharing my experience using these products. 

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you’re having a lovely day! We’re still off on our trip, but in the meantime, I wanted to share more about the EquiLife Para Support Protocol since I’m almost a month into the two-month program. I’ve been learning more about the implications of parasites and their prevalence in our lives, and I knew it was something I wanted to do. I had some symptoms that I wanted to see if I could resolve and have been pleasantly surprised by my experience so far.

My experience with the EquiLife Para Support Protocol so far

I’ve heard it said that, “If you have a pulse, you have a parasite,” and then can affect humans in various ways. It’s interesting that they’re so common – an estimated   but aren’t commonly treated or addressed in Western medicine.

Here are some common symptoms that may be due to parasites:

Digestive Issues:

Persistent diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, abdominal pain, and frequent nausea can be signs of a parasitic infection in the gastrointestinal tract.

Unexplained Weight Loss:

Sudden and unexplained weight loss, despite a normal or increased appetite, could be a symptom of certain parasites that interfere with nutrient absorption.

Fatigue and Weakness:

Feeling constantly tired, fatigued, and lacking energy, even after sufficient rest, may be a result of parasitic infections that disrupt nutrient absorption.

Skin Problems:

Itchy skin, rashes, eczema, hives, or the sensation of something crawling on the skin are possible indicators of parasitic involvement.

Changes in Bowel Movements:

Stool abnormalities such as greasy or oily consistency, presence of mucus or blood, and the appearance of worms or their eggs in the stool

Mental and Emotional Disturbances:

Parasitic infections can affect mental well-being, leading to symptoms such as anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and cognitive difficulties.

Joint and Muscle Pain:

Some parasitic infections can cause muscle aches, joint pain, and inflammation, resembling symptoms of arthritis.

Allergic Reactions:

Parasites can trigger immune responses, resulting in allergic reactions like itching, hives, or asthma-like symptoms.

Sleep Disturbances:

Insomnia, disturbed sleep patterns, or restless sleep may occur due to the body’s response to parasitic activity

It’s important to remember that these symptoms can be caused by various factors, and experiencing one or more does not necessarily indicate a parasitic infection. If you suspect a parasitic infection, it’s best to consult with a healthcare professional who can conduct appropriate tests and provide a proper diagnosis.

For me, my biggest symptoms were eye floaters – not more than normal but something that was bothering me – itchy skin, and sleep disturbances during the full moon. (I know it sounds woo but parasites can be more active with increased serotonin levels). A friend recently completed the protocol and highly recommended it, so I decided to go for it.

Here’s how it works:

You take 2 FloraFilm in the morning

4 Para Pro Support at night

2 Universal Binders before bed

and optional: eat an entire clove of garlic before bed.

Yes, I’ve been going to bed smelling like a garlic dragon for WEEKS. There aren’t any other nutritional guidelines, which makes the protocol easy to follow. I’ve been trying to just focus on more fresh foods.

*You can read more about it here.

What I’ve noticed:

– Actual parasites saying farewell. I’d seen pictures and videos of people passing parasites online, and while I didn’t check it under a microscope, it was definitely an interesting experience.

– Less bloating. I noticed decreased bloating in my face and stomach within a few days of starting the protocol.

– Less eye floaters. You guys know I’ve been dealing with some eye problems – turned out to be a combo of horrible allergies setting off inflammation + residual virus after having viral pink eye – and the first time I started to see improvement was after starting the protocol. It could have just been a coincidence, but it absolutely didn’t hurt things in my situation.


– I with they included more nutrition guidelines with the protocol. You continue with your regular diet + the supplements.

Other than that, it’s been a pretty seamless experience for me. That’s not to say that some people do not experience “die off” symptoms or start to feel worse before they feel much better, so definitely recommend working with a practitioner. If you are experiencing health issues, or are considering any protocols, make sure your health foundations are in place and work with someone knowledgeable that you trust!

If you and your health team determine that this is a good fit, the link to this protocol is here and you can use FITNESSISTA10 for 10% off through the 30th.

Have a great day and I’ll see ya soon!



The post My experience with the EquiLife Para Support Protocol so far appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Thursday, 22 June 2023

Gut Health for Women: Why it Matters and How to Improve it

Please keep in mind that today’s post is for information purposes and is not medical information. If you have questions about improving your gut health, talk to your health care provider. 

Today I want to talk about something that may not be the most glamorous topic, but it’s incredibly important: gut health. As women, we often put a lot of emphasis on our performance, energy levels, and what we put into our bodies to look and feel our best. But what about what’s going on inside? Our gut health plays a crucial role in our overall health and wellbeing, from our digestion and immune system to our mental health.

So, why is gut health so important?

Our gut is home to trillions of bacteria, both good and bad. When our gut is in balance, meaning there’s more good bacteria than bad, it helps keep our immune system strong, aids in digestion and absorption of nutrients, and even produces neurotransmitters that affect our mood and cognitive function. On the flip side, when our gut is out of balance, it can lead to a host of problems such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, and even depression and anxiety.

Now, the good news is that we can improve our gut health through a few simple lifestyle changes.

*Please note that this is not medical advice and simply intended for informational purposes. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before making any fitness or nutrition changes.*

Gut Health for Women: Why it Matters and How to Improve it

Here are some tips:

Eat a diet rich in fiber:

Fiber feeds the good bacteria in our gut and helps keep things moving smoothly. Aim for at least 25-30 grams of fiber per day from sources such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. A helpful strategy: track your fiber! I like Chronometer and My Fitness Pal.

Incorporate probiotic-rich foods:

Probiotics are live bacteria that can help boost the good bacteria in our gut. Foods such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, tempeh, sauerkraut, and kimchi are all sources of probiotics.

Avoid processed and sugary foods:

These types of foods can feed the bad bacteria in our gut and lead to inflammation and other issues. When you do have these foods, enjoy them, and move on with your life. I just don’t recommend making them the staple or focus in an everyday diet.

Manage stress:

Chronic stress can negatively impact our gut health, so finding ways to manage stress such as meditation, yoga, or simply taking a walk in nature can be incredibly beneficial.

Consider supplements:

In some cases, supplements such as probiotics or digestive enzymes may be helpful in improving gut health. I love the Sakara probiotics! (My code is XOGINAH for 20% off)

5 Foods That Can Boost Gut Health for Women

Yogurt and Other Fermented Foods: Rich in Probiotics

Berries and Leafy Greens: High in Fiber and Polyphenols

Whole Grains: High in Fiber and Nutrients

Nuts and Seeds: Rich in Fiber and Healthy Fats

Prebiotic Foods: Promote Growth of Good Bacteria

The Link Between Gut Health and Hormones in Women

Gut Microbiome Plays a Role in Hormonal Balance

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria that make up the gut microbiome. These bacteria play a vital role in the production and regulation of hormones, including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Research has also shown that hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle can impact gut health, with fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone affecting bowel function and inflammation in the gut. Furthermore, stress hormones such as cortisol can disrupt the gut microbiome and cause inflammation, leading to digestive issues and hormonal imbalances.

Hormonal Changes During Menstrual Cycle Can Affect Gut Health

Changes in the menstrual cycle can affect gut health in several ways. During the menstrual cycle, there are fluctuations in the levels of estrogen and progesterone, which can affect bowel function and inflammation in the gut. For example, higher levels of estrogen during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle can lead to slower transit time in the digestive tract, causing constipation and bloating. On the other hand, lower levels of estrogen during the menstrual phase can lead to diarrhea and abdominal pain. The hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle can also affect the gut microbiome, leading to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria and increased inflammation. Additionally, menstrual pain and stress can further exacerbate gut issues, leading to a vicious cycle of gut-brain-hormone interactions. It’s essential to support gut health through a balanced diet, probiotics, and stress management techniques to minimize the impact of menstrual cycle changes on gut health.

Stress Hormones Can Negatively Impact Gut Health

Stress hormones, such as cortisol, can significantly impact gut health. When the body experiences stress, cortisol levels increase, triggering the “fight or flight” response. This response can cause changes in the gut microbiome, leading to an imbalance of good and bad bacteria and increased inflammation.

Inflammation in the gut can damage the gut lining, potentially leading to leaky gut syndrome, where harmful substances can leak into the bloodstream and trigger an immune response. This can cause digestive issues such as bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Additionally, stress can lead to poor dietary choices, such as overeating or different food choices (oh hey, plate of stress brownies), further exacerbating gut issues. Chronic stress can also lead to conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Therefore, managing stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and mindfulness practices can help support gut health and minimize the impact of stress hormones on the gut.

Understanding the Gut-Brain Connection and Its Impact on Women’s Health

Gut and Brain Are Connected Through the Vagus Nerve

The gut and brain are connected through the vagus nerve, a long nerve that runs from the brainstem to the abdomen. The vagus nerve acts as a two-way communication system, allowing signals to be transmitted between the gut and the brain. The gut is often referred to as the “second brain” because it contains millions of neurons that can communicate with the brain via the vagus nerve. This communication pathway is known as the gut-brain axis and plays a crucial role in regulating many bodily functions, including digestion, mood, and immune function. The gut microbiome also plays a role in this communication, with gut bacteria producing neurotransmitters that can affect brain function and behavior. Furthermore, stress and emotional states can impact gut function, with the brain signaling the gut to change digestive motility and secretion in response to stress.

Good Gut Health Can Improve Mood and Mental Health

Good gut health can have a significant impact on your mood. The gut contains millions of neurons, including cells that produce neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. These neurotransmitters play a crucial role in regulating mood and emotional states. In fact, up to 90% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with happiness and well-being, is produced in the gut. When the gut is healthy, it produces a diverse range of beneficial bacteria that can produce these neurotransmitters and anti-inflammatory compounds, which can improve mood and reduce anxiety and depression.

Poor Gut Health Can Potentially Lead to Anxiety and Depression

On the other hand, poor gut health can lead to inflammation and dysbiosis, a condition where there is an imbalance of good and bad bacteria, leading to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression. Additionally, poor gut health can lead to nutrient deficiencies, which can also impact mood and cognitive function. Therefore, maintaining good gut health through a balanced diet, probiotics, and stress management can help support a healthy gut-brain axis and improve mood and emotional wellbeing.

4 Ways to Improve Gut Health Through Lifestyle Changes

Eating a Balanced and Varied Diet Rich in Fiber and Probiotics

Set up your plate with a balance of protein, carbs, fats, and make sure to include your veggies and probiotics

Managing Stress Through Exercise, Meditation, or Relaxation Techniques

Take even 5 minutes each day for a stress management technique that you enjoy and that works for your life! Take a short walk, meditate, journal, call a friend, snuggle with your puppy, listen to an uplifting podcast, anything you need to do to help relieve stress.

Getting Enough Sleep to Support Gut Health and Hormonal Balance

Sleep affects so many processes in the body, especially mood, immune function, insulin sensitivity, and cravings. Set up a solid wind down routine each night, and make sleep a priority. Someone once told me that nothing good happens after 9pm and while I’d LOVE to stay awake later watching TV or reading a book, it’s true.

Avoiding Antibiotics and Excessive Use of Antibacterial Products

OF COURSE take whatever meds your doctor recommends and keep yourself, you know, hygienic and all that. Buuuut use these things responsibly, with the understanding that they wipe out all bacteria (good and bad!) and it can take a while to rebuild the beneficial bacteria.

Later this summer, I’ll be certified to run functional medicine labs (through IHP!) that will help us determine toxicities, deficiencies, and get key insights into your gut health. If you’re interested in being first on the list for these new coaching options, please apply here and I’ll reach out! (Keep in mind that the rates reflected on the application are for 6-month packages and I currently offer 3-month options, too.)

I will definitely be looking for some testers as I practice these new skills. 🙂



The post Gut Health for Women: Why it Matters and How to Improve it appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Aviron Rower Review (and why Im obsessed with it)

Sharing a full review of the Aviron rower and why I love having this as a part of my home gym!

Hi friends! How are you? I hope the day is treating you well! I’d love to hear what you’ve been into for workouts lately. Two things I’ve really been into: Pilates and rowing.

For today’s post, I wanted to share a review of the Aviron rower since I’ve had the chance to use it and enjoy it as part of my home office gym for a few weeks. Aviron generously gifted me this rower and I LOVE it so much! It had been on my radar for quite a while. If you decide to purchase one, you can use my tracking link here!

Aviron Rower Review (and why I’m obsessed with it)

I received the Aviron a couple of weeks ago, and while I thought the set-up would take a while, the Pilot and I put it together within 30 minutes.

You can check out a time lapse of our assembly process here!

I’ve been wanting a rower for our home gym foreverrrrrrr, and this rower is everything I could wish for: it’s sleek, well-constructed, and has a screen that you can use to stream apps (like Disney+, Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon) as well as compete with others and play games. It’s perfect for the days where I want to blast some rowing intervals, get in an awesome cardio workout, or simply take a movement or brain break in the middle of the work day.

Here are some of the pros and cons!


Full-body workout:

Rowing engages multiple muscle groups, including your arms, shoulders, back, core, and legs, giving you a comprehensive and efficient workout. Many cardio modes rely heavily on legs (with a secondary core emphasis). Rowing works EVERYTHING and it’s so refreshing to do cardio that also helps to challenge and strengthen the upper body muscles.

Low-impact exercise:

Unlike high-impact activities like running, rowing is gentle on your joints while still providing an intense cardiovascular workout. It reduces the risk of injury and can be suitable for people of all fitness levels.

Increased cardiovascular fitness:

Rowing is a fantastic way to improve your cardiovascular endurance. Regular rowing sessions can strengthen your heart and lungs, leading to better overall cardiovascular health. Rowing is also one of my favorite strategies for intervals. I’ll play a Tabata song on Spotify and go for it!

Muscle strength and toning:

The resistance provided by the Aviron Rower helps build and tone muscles throughout your body. It targets your arms, shoulders, back, and legs, and can help you achieve a lean and sculpted physique.

Weight loss and calorie burning:

Rowing is a calorie-torching exercise. It can help you burn a significant amount of calories, supporting weight loss efforts and contributing to a healthy body composition.

Improved posture and core stability:

The rowing motion strengthens your back and core muscles, which can improve posture and increased stability. It can alleviate back pain caused by poor posture and sedentary lifestyles. (Heads up that if you have back pain or injuries, talk to your doctor before rowing.)

Mental and emotional well-being:

Rowing is not just about physical benefits; it can help reduce stress, boost mood, and increase overall feelings of well-being.

Interactive and motivating:

The Aviron Rower’s interactive display and online community provide motivation and engagement. You can track your progress, compete with friends, and take part in virtual races, making your workouts more enjoyable and inspiring

Convenient home workout option:

With the Aviron Rower, you have the convenience of a full-body workout right in your own home. No more gym commutes or waiting for equipment. You can row whenever it suits you, making it easier to stay consistent with your fitness routine.

**Remember, always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns.**



The Aviron Rower can be a significant investment compared to other home exercise equipment. The upfront cost may be prohibitive for some individuals or families on a tight budget.

Space requirements:

Rowing machines, including the Aviron Rower, can take up a fair amount of space. If you have limited room in your home or apartment, you’ll need to consider whether you have enough dedicated space to accommodate the machine.

Learning curve:

If you’re new to rowing, it may take some time to learn and master the proper rowing technique. Although the Aviron Rower provides tutorial videos and guidance, there may still be a learning curve involved in achieving optimal form and maximizing the benefits of your workouts.

Maintenance and upkeep:

Like any fitness equipment, the Aviron Rower may require occasional maintenance, such as lubrication or cleaning. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and properly maintain the machine to ensure its longevity and optimal performance.

Here’s a video so you can see how easy it is to set up and work out!

Is the Aviron rower worth it??

10000% yes. I love this rower and have enjoyed having it as part of my routine. It’s a great way to switch things if you’re feeling bored, and I love the ability to stream while I work out. This will definitely be my BFF for the new Bridgerton season.

If you’d like to get one of your own – it will transform your home gym in the best way – you can use my link here. 

So, tell me, friends: are you a fan of rowing? What’s your latest favorite cardio method?



PS. Yes this means I’ll be posting some row and strength workouts for ya!

The post Aviron Rower Review (and why I’m obsessed with it) appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Tuesday, 20 June 2023

5 Clean Eating Recipes For Weeknights

I’m sharing 5 clean eating recipes for weeknights that are on repeat in our house and the whole family loves!

While we love our special treats and gourmet eats in the Harney household, on the day to day, we try to focus eating whole foods, fresh produce, and quality protein. But if I don’t do a little planning (i.e. easy meal planning for busy moms), putting healthy recipes on the table night after night can be a challenge with our busy schedules.

It can be temping to order takeout inside of preparing a homemade meal when we’ve been working, at school, and dance practice (for multiple hours!), but I know all of us feel better when we have a nourishing homemade meal at the end of the day.

Today I’m  sharing a handful of easy to prepare yet delicious clean eating recipes that you can quickly prepare for busy weeknights – enjoy!

5 Clean Eating Recipes For Weeknights

1. Easy Enchiladas with Rotisserie Chicken

These easy enchiladas with rotisserie chicken are great for meal prep and always a family favorite!

2. Sushi Roll in a Bowl

This is one of our go-to dinners: baked salmon, rice (season with rice vinegar and sesame seeds), chopped cucumber, avocado, and seaweed snacks. Top with soy sauce and/or sriracha and feast! Tip: make the rice in the Instant Pot for ease.

3. Dairy-Free & Gluten-Free Tuna Casserole

This healthy tuna casserole is gluten-free, dairy-free, and high in protein! It’s a perfect family and kid-friendly dinner for a busy weeknight. This casserole is made from pantry staples and is a great make-ahead dinner option.

4. Slow Cooker Greek Chicken Soup

The soup is an easy recipe you can throw together in the slow cooker. Liv loves soup (this one is her all-time favorite), and it’s an easy way for the family to get a ton of veggies.

5. Sriracha Chicken and Cauliflower Stir Fry

This sriracha chicken and cauliflower stir fry is the perfect healthy dinner or lunch option. It’s high in protein, gluten-free, dairy-free, and family-friendly. Pack up the extras as lunch, or enjoy as part of your weekly meal prep.

What are your go-to clean eating recipes for weeknights? Feel free to share ideas in the comments below! 

You may also enjoy:

The post 5 Clean Eating Recipes For Weeknights appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Monday, 19 June 2023

How to Make Turmeric Face Scrub

Thank you so much to my friends at NOW Foods for sponsoring this post. They have so many amazing products, including my fave creatine, on their site. Use FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off and stock up on pantry staples, clean beauty products, supplements, pet goodies, and more. 

Hi hi! How are you? I hope you had a wonderful weekend! We’re on a little trip – check out IG stories for all of the details! – and I’m popping in to share one of my favorite beauty DIYs: Turmeric Face Scrub.

Turmeric is a vibrant yellow spice that comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant. It’s in the ginger family, and has been used for centuries in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese herbalism for its functional properties.* One of the key compounds in turmeric is curcumin, which is known as a powerful free radical scavenger.* It also supports a balanced immune system, a balanced response to environmental stressors, and possesses neuroprotective attributes.*

Beyond its traditional culinary uses, turmeric can be incorporated into your daily routine in various ways. You can find turmeric supplements in the form of capsules or powders, which can be added to smoothies, juices, soups, or even sprinkled over roasted vegetables or eggs. Golden milk is made by combining turmeric with warm milk and spices like ginger and cinnamon, and it is a soothing and nourishing option. It’s one of my favorite ways to wind down for the day!

Turmeric can also be used topically as a facial scrub, which is what I’m sharing today! Because of its protective benefits against environmental stressors, turmeric may help with skin benefits as well.*

**It’s important to note that it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplement or product to your routine, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medications.***

How to Make Turmeric Face Scrub

You can totally buy turmeric face scrub, but it tends to be on the pricey side and can contain ingredients you may not want to put on your skin. I’m a huge fan of beauty DIYs because you know exactly what’s going into these products and you can personalize them according your unique needs and preferences.

Turmeric Face Scrub Ingredients

I LOVE homemade body and facial scrubs, especially because I usually have all of the ingredients on hand:

Coconut sugar: for gentle exfoliation

Almond oil (coconut oil, honey, and olive oil work well, too): for moisture and skin texture

Vitamin E: for nutrients and healing properties

Essential oils: for scent! Just add a couple of drops and they’re totally optional

Turmeric: I love this in scrubs since it can help with discoloration, along with an antioxidant boost


Step 1

To create a simple turmeric facial scrub, mix 1/2 cup of brown sugar and half a cup of oil into a bowl. Add 1 dropper of vitamin E. Mix to combine.

Step 2

Add 1 capsule of turmeric (or 1/2 teaspoon) and a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. (Be careful with citrus-based oils, as they can cause photosensitivity. If you’re sensitive to oils, you can always skip them for facial scrubs and simply use them for body scrubs or not at all.)

Step 3

Gently massage the scrub onto your face, let it sit for a few minutes, and then rinse off for a refreshed and glowing complexion. This is the same basic recipe I use for body scrubs.

The cute jar are from Amazon, and I store the jars of homemade scrub in the fridge, so that they’re cooling and super refreshing when I use them!

I order all of my homemade skin care products (plus lots of our favorite pantry staples, body care, pet care items, and snacks) from NOW. They have a great selection and I know that their products are responsibly-sourced, tested thoroughly, and they have amazing prices. It’s a brand that we’ve loved and trusted for many years. You can also use my code FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off your order!

So, tell me, friends: do you make any skincare or beauty products at home? Any fave recipes??



*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

The post How to Make Turmeric Face Scrub appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista

Friday, 16 June 2023

Friday Faves 6.16

Hi friends! Happy Friday! What’s going on this weekend? We’re heading off on a trip – check out IG stories for all the details over the next couple of weeks – but it will still be blog business as usual over here. I have a new beauty DIY post coming on Monday!

It’s time for the weekly Friday Faves party! This is where I share some of my fave finds from the week and around the web. I always love to hear about your faves, too, so please shout out something you’re loving in the comments section below.

Friday Faves 6.16

Community Detox Coming July 10th

If you feel like you’re ready for a little reset, join us for a community detox starting on July 10th. This is my 4th time completing the detox and it’s something I do quarterly in my routine to help remove toxicities, restore deficiencies, improve my sleep, energy, and digestion. I always feel like a million bucks when it’s over!

SO many of you joined me last time, so I wanted to invite you to join in if you’d like to go for another round. The fun starts July 10, so you can order your kit now and you’ll be ready to go. (Use FITNESSISTA10)

Here’s more about this 7-day detox:

– It’s a liver-based detox to help reset your body, provide a break from digesting heavy foods, and potentially help your body eliminate toxins that we accumulate from our environment. It includes functional medicine ingredients and Ayurvedic herbs to support phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification.

– It’s nutrition-focused. It includes the POWERHOUSE Daily Nutritional Support powder (which I’ve had in my smoothies for many months and notice a difference in how I feel when I drink this smoothie), and meal guidelines for the remaining meals. The goal is to NOT have your body depleted of nutrients during the process.

– It can potentially help with weight loss along with anti-aging, and total body wellness.

– It’s only 7 days! When I first started working with a naturopath (back in the old days! It was like 2010), he had me do a month-long detox that was similar in format (but did not include the Ayurvedic supplements). It’s so much easier to do for 7 days, and I feel like my results were even better from the extra nutritional support. (The first two days are supplements and smoothies only – I typically add in some berries – and on day 3, you add in nutrient-dense meals using their meal guideline/template.)

It’s also very flexible; many people start the plan on day 3 (smoothie in the am, vegan lunch, Paleo dinner) and have excellent results.

Here’s some feedback from friends who have completed the detox:

If you’d like to join in, you can click this link and enter FITNESSISTA for 10% your program! You can also STACK FITNESSISTA10 with any current EquiLife promos through June 30. I use and love the Daily Nutritional Supplement, the chocolate whole food bars, the Universal Binder, eye health supplement, and the Omega 3.

Once you sign up, join our virtual wellness group so we can stay connected and support each other along the way. Detox starts July 10!

If you have questions about the program, check out this Instagram Live I did with Dr. Cabral going over some of the top questions. If you have questions, please leave a comment or send me an email and I’d love to help!

Read, watch, listen:

Liv has ready The Diary of Anne Frank, so we watched A Little Light together on Disney+. It was heartbreaking, inspiring, heartwarming, and very well done. We only had to skip a couple of scenes, but I’m so glad we watched it together.

Check out this week’s podcast episode about being your own health advocate.

Just for kicks:

Fashion + beauty:

New Amazon set! I have this one in black (I accidentally threw it in the washer and it shrank…) and love it. They have so many colors and it fits so well. It also looks way more expensive than it is! Link is here.

Since I’m glasses-bound and eye makeup-free for at least another month or so, I’ve been doing a bolder lipstick. I picked up this one at Sephora when I was feeling pretty down and blah – I’ll post an update on the eye situation when I’m on the other side. Thankfully, they’re healthy and not infected but it’s been 3 weeks of redness and inflammation every day when I wake up – and it was a good little pick-me-up.

Fitness, health, + good eats:

 Non-alcoholic margarita.

Interesting studies coming out about taurine.

This is the best bug spay! I’m always sketched out by bug spray ingredients and this one from NOW has great ingredients and actually works. (You can use my code FITNESSISTA20 for 20% off.)

Happy Friday, friends!


The post Friday Faves 6.16 appeared first on The Fitnessista.

from The Fitnessista